Home furnishings and Arranging

Home furnishing and Arranging a big responsibility and the burden heavily on people. Any home Consists of a large or a small number of units of more than or less by area, but in the end, limited. For example, small houses with one bedroom and there are houses up to ten bedrooms but in the end unit is the bedroom, and so on. Any home consists of bedroom, receiving room,   Dining Room, kitchen, and bathroom.
There are fundamentals that must be taken into account when you start in home furnishings then Luxuries and accessories.
When you start in furnishings home must collect these data and write it down so it will be clear and specific and easy reference.
The space.
What is the entire area of your home?  Because they will restrict the selection of your Models, Number of rooms?  So there is balance in the distribution of furniture and the budget.
Determine the area of each room separately, to select the type and size of the foundation with the appropriate. Tip: Small spaces tend to be modern and little furniture; Classic's huge spaces wide, the medium was gather your space among the two.
Home furnishings and Arranging


What are the limits of the budget of home furnishings, Even determine, the overall level will be, all the furniture in the house
• What is the budget of each room alone , So there is balance there is any room gives approximately right.

Personnel taste, which appear through

Are you a Classic or Modern?
 Classic Furniture is a new model inspired by old designs with a modern touch is very light, it is the only raw wood types, inscriptions, mostly digging stretch.
Advantage that it does not need to change and always remain on the luster and gives a sense of luxury, the drawback to require a large area

 Modern furniture: Is a modern furniture is just as clear from the name is new in design (all models must be unprecedented) and materials (wood Commentator marble, etc.), inscriptions so simple that I found most of redesigns Modern Survey (no pattern) and the glossy or stretch according to your taste according to the model and not Kalkaska.
Advantage does not need much space for youth and modern, offer sand disadvantages Model quickly loses its value requires great care to maintain.

Take your time in home furnishings  and not be rushed and  know that the whole house must be an uniform taste may not be part Classic and part modern part Italian and a Arab, it is Mess and no not taste
